(abort "Incorrect OS version (software requires OS 37 or better )!")
; error handling
(if (> @ioerr 0)
("An error has occurred during installation. Please check the log file to understand the error.")
(exit (quiet))
(set #installmode
(prompt "\nChoose the installation mode:")
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(if (= #installmode 1)
; normal installation
; --- insert your code below ---
(set @CDty-dest
(prompt "Please choose the installation path for the DRemind-Commodity:\n('SYS:WBStartup' is recommend if you want to start DRemind at startup time.)")
(help "If you specify 'SYS:WBStartup' the system will start DRemind at startup for you.\nIf you choose to install it to an other dir you will have to start it manually.")
(default "SYS:WBStartup/")
(set @Prefs-dest
(prompt "Please choose the installation path for the DRemind-Preferences program:\n('SYS:Prefs' is recommend if you want DRemind to be able to start the preferences program.)")
(help "If you choose to install it to an other dir you will have to call DRemindPrefs yourself every time you want to change the prefs.")
(default "SYS:Prefs/")
(source "DRemind/DRemind")
(dest @CDty-dest)
(optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
(source "DRemind/DRemindPrefs")
(dest @Prefs-dest)
(optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
(set image_dir
(prompt "Please choose the directory for the configuration file: ('ENVARC' = default)\nNote: If you set any other destination than ENVARC: don't forget to change the dir in DRemindPrefs as well!")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "ENVARC:")
; uncomment if you want to show a picture of the available images